The Launceston Tate Look Group meets at The Old School on the second Tuesday of every month at 2.30 - 4.30pm.
Our small informal group enjoys looking, talking and learning about art; paintings, photography, sculpture and architecture. Some members are artists and makers; others have little or no specific knowledge of art. Originally an initiative of The Tate, St Ives, to encourage a greater interest in art, groups all over Cornwall maintain a loose link with the Tate who put on the occasional themed LOOK group Days.
The Old School provides a lovely venue for our local group. A programme of topics for each monthly meeting is decided by ourselves, and gives everyone the chance to explore resources and contribute in any way they can – although this is not essential. Previous topics have included a wide variety of art and artists and art movements, book and poetry illustrations, sculpture, seasons, wild life and wars. We also like to visit places of interest and exhibitions and have the occasional speaker.
We each contribute £2 monthly to cover cost of room hire and a cup of tea and biscuits.

Headdress and face made of felt by Devon Textile Artist, Gladys Paulus from her Exhibition, 'Hinterland'.
Click here for current programme information
If you think the LOOK Group is something you’d like to try, please come along or email or give either of us a call:
Jo Pescod - Tel: 01579 370200 or click here to email
Helen Adams - Tel: 07596 165929 or click here to email